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The Traveling Notebook...

UPDATE: 13 Days to Go!

Ladies, Gentleman, and World Travelers, should I take my laptop on my trip through Ireland? On one hand, if I take it, then I'll be able to keep in touch and post pictures. On the other hand, I'll have to lug that damn thing all over the freaking place, and who really wants to do that. Now, if I had a smaller notebook, then I wouldn't even think about it, but this bad boy is seven pounds of lead, so I can't figure out what to do. Anyone have a suggestion or a smart ass comment? Both are accepted here. :-)

Yes, to answer your question, that is Linux running on a Dell laptop. I'm down with Linux. I'm a geek/ poet/ author/ lover all wrapped up in one. LOL Seriously, I do love Linux, but I still use windows for some stuff. Never underestimate a southerner, especially one named Jefferson Davis. :-)
