Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran is blogging. Yes, that is correct, the mad man that leads the Iranian people, either by force or persuasion, has a blog and is updating it regularly. What's in store for us next? Will President Bush be next to join the blogosphere? Yikes! Well, I opine that blogging is the new medium for pushing ones agenda. Now, I would fling myself to the floor in an uncontrollable fit of laughter, if Kim il Jong took up blogging. What's your say?
State-run television announced the blog's launch on Sunday, urging the public to write messages to the president via the website.
In his first entry Ahmadinejad wrote about his childhood, the country's Islamic revolution and Iran's war with Iraq.
The blog also asks readers to participate in an online poll which asks if they think the United States and Israel are "pulling the trigger for another world war".
The blog is translated into English, French and Arabic.