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Who do You fear?

Who do you fear the most, or should I say what tyrannical leader do you fear the most. Here is a breakdown of who I fear.
  1. I fear myself far more than anyone or anything else, because I am ultimately in control of my own destiny and existence. Heck, I don't even want to acknowledge the nefarious activities I've taken part in. :-) Nah....I'm not that bad.
  2. That crazy, cockeyed, mischievous, wicked, and antisemitic leader of Iran, called Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. This guy really gripes me...
  3. Kim il Jong...The man is purposely starving his people to death. I have previously posted about that lunatic. The scary thing about him, is that he has nukes and missiles to carry them.
  4. Hugo Chavez, who recently compared Israel to Hitler. OK, I'm not going to touch that subject, but the man is a wee bit enamoured.
  5. Also, there are several people within the United States Government that I fear, not only because of their power, but for their decision making, that ultimately controls America.

Mahmoud_ahmadinejad Kim_il_jong Hugochavez

Hillary_rice Rumsfeld_

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