President Bush was at a summit in Cancun
"This is a good start to a very important series of discussions," Bush said at the base of a pyramid.
The U.S. Senate opened debate on Wednesday with Republicans split on whether to back Bush's call for sweeping reforms to create a guest worker program and put several million illegal immigrants on the path to citizenship.
Conservatives in Bush's party, normally his allies, reject that as a form of amnesty and seek instead to erect a fence along a third of the U.S.-Mexico border and make illegal immigration a felony. The issue has brought out tens of thousands of mostly Hispanic protesters in major U.S. cities.
With his job approval ratings at a low point, immigration is a new test of Bush's political strength at a time when his second term has been beset by woes.
Indeed, there is no hope of
My ancestors were immigrants, as most Americans were immigrants. The only people that belong on American soil, is Native Americans. I can only hope there is a few real, standup gentleman in