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Watch Out!

FOX News Chairman, Roger Ailes is on the warpath, after viewership dropped 22% during prime time. He basically said that the staff was getting lazy and complacent. I like to watch Hannity & Combs, because they fight and bicker all the time. It is amusing to me for some reason. FOX is still NO. 1, but he better tighten up the ship, if he expects it to stay NO. 1. What's you say?

Slackers at Fox News Channel, you’re on notice! Your boss is not pleased. Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes is on the warpath following his network’s recent ratings slump, and he won’t hesitate to clean house to turn things around.

So far during the second quarter, the No. 1 cable news channel’s primetime schedule has dropped 22% in its core 25-54 demo and 8% in total viewers. The first quarter was even worse.

Chief rival CNN has also dipped in recent weeks, but less dramatically, off 18% in the demo and 2% in total viewers.

Insiders say that, even though Fox News remains No. 1, Ailes is fuming over the complacency he senses among staffers.

Production values are slipping, and bookers aren’t competitive enough, relying too heavily on the same pool of faces and settling for authors or actors after they’ve already been on CNN or … gasp … MSNBC.
