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Adoration From Afar

This is a poem I wrote for a friend. Do you like it?

What must I do to be the object of your affection?
Must I Lie, Cheat, Steal, and become a Hell-Raiser?
This is my perplexity,
for I cannot do these actions with a true and gentle heart.
You exalt me day-after-day.
As the morning mist fades into the blue sky,
I inhale your fragrant perfume,
like dewy pedals of a blooming flower.
I envisage your smiling face,
like a vestige of the moon upon my optics.
The whistling chatter of mother winter,
reminds me of your cherishing laughter.
As the chilly October breeze rustles tumbling leaves around me,
I conceive of you in my embrace.
As the twinkle of stars in the night aura,
you come to me in a deep slumber,
like an angel entering my dreams.
But as my eyes whimper in the light of dawn,
I fight to keep you in my yawns.
Indeed, I adore you from afar.
