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Kiss and Tell...

I have broken the cardinal rule over the last few days. Something happened to me in Belfast, which I will not go into detail about on the blog. Anyhow, when I got back in town Wednesday, I started calling and e-mailing all my buddies, to let them know what happened, which I was so gallantly professing, as if I had conquered the world. It involved a woman in Belfast, and I don't regret what happened, yet I do regret running my mouth, or kissing and telling as some might call it. You see, I have four sisters, so I have a unique perspective of their point of view, but regardless of that, I threw my chest out and boasted like an imbecile. I don't regret what happened, but I do feel bad for my behavior, for I'm a stand up guy most of the time. I guess the testosterone was still in control. :-) There are no words to express what happened to me on that magical and muggy Saturday night in Belfast.
