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Tips for traveling to Ireland...

Tips for traveling to Ireland

  1. Only carry one suitcase. I’m an imbecile, for I had two heavy suitcases and a carry on bag. I don’t care how long you are staying, do yourself and your back a favor, just take one suitcase.
  2. Don’t go alone. Only stupid me would do such a thing. Of course, being alone did have its advantages.
  3. If you’ve never been to Ireland, take a guided tour of Ireland. It may seem cheesy, but trust me, you’ll be glad you did.
  4. Try to learn about the Euro before you go, and the pound and pence in Northern Ireland.
  5. If you are using travelers checks, then check bank locations near your hotel, and go ahead and get a few cashed at the airport.
  6. Make sure you have the correct voltage step-down adaptor, if you are coming from the United States. I had one, but I had to find the three-prong adaptor for it, which took the better part of a day.
  7. Be prepared for terrible directions, whether on accident or on purpose. I would ask somebody where something was in Dublin, and they would say, “Just 75 meters that way”, yeah, 75 meters that way, 150 meters the other way, and another 300 meters in another direction.
  8. Be nice and respectful. Don’t be an arrogant obnoxious American, for you will give us all a bad name, which we already have.
  9. Ship back anything you can to lighten the load on return.
  10. Respect their traditions and beliefs. Mind Yourself, as they would say; in fact, I had several Irish women tell me that. Do I look like I would start some trouble or something. Jeeeezzz :-)